Customer Testimonials

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excellent product efficient service

The web site was easy to use and the order arrived promptly .No problems with assembly.
5 out of 5 Stars!
tom gouldby

Marley space saving door

Door was first class only let down by one thing the instructions which made it hard work, too small need to be bigger so clearer to see.
5 out of 5 Stars!
Mr R J Basham

Product quality exceeded expected!- eurostar doors white plastic

Being sceptical to order without touching / feeling the product. However, turned out to be good value for money. Just what I needed for my squashed en suite room! The assembly instruction was a bit confusing but right - took a day to understand.
5 out of 5 Stars!

Marley Folding Door

Very pleased - fairly easy to assemble & seems much sturdier than the cheaper folding door it replaced. Recommended.
5 out of 5 Stars!
Phil, Hampshire

Excellent Product, Great Service

Bought 5 of these and they are an excellent product, easy to fit and look great. Service from the supplier was also excellent with easy ordering and fast delivery. Definitely recommended.
5 out of 5 Stars!
Philip Harris

marley eurostar

does everything it says on line a wonderful easy install good looking bit of kit,thank's marley
5 out of 5 Stars!

Excellent Product

I searched everywhere for a door solution between my kitchen and living room and glad I came across Marley doors . The products are first class in fact I'm just about to make a second purchase.
5 out of 5 Stars!
Morris Tapalo

H in Loughborough.

The Rapid I ordered arrived promptly, I unpacked it and I fitted it within 2 hrs. Excellent job all round. Thanks Marlley.
5 out of 5 Stars!
H. in Loughborough.

Marley Rapid Folding Door

Goods arrived as promised. All complete. Able to sort and assemble quite easily and satisfactorily. Very pleased with end result.
5 out of 5 Stars!
Les Warren

Rapid oak effect.

Seems okay, haven't installed it yet,as wall hasn't been built yet wanted to see frame colour etc.
5 out of 5 Stars!


4 out of 5 Stars!

Eurostar folding door

This was a replacement for an existing door purchased years ago, this must say how satisfied I had been with the product previously. There was a slight damage to one of the panels when delivered, this was very promptly replaced by the supplier with no quibbles. Care must be taken when cutting and assembling the door (study the instructions well). When installed it is good quality and works extremely well. The customer service at Marley is excellent, I dealt with a gentleman (Rob) who was very helpful, would definitely recommend product and service
5 out of 5 Stars!
John Rayner

Sliding door

Door arrived quickly. Packaging extensive, recommend a sharp knife. Instructions O.K. But not quite as helpful as they might be, although after a few re-reads all became clearer. Door an asset, a little disappointed at quality of pelmet, but all in all, very good value for money.
4 out of 5 Stars!
Robin Brooks

good quality poor instructions

would have been 5 stars but for poor instructions mainly because of small size.difficult to see pictures clearly without magnifying glass even then there were slight smudges on print but i ordered 2 so could make them out between the 2
4 out of 5 Stars!

Oak Rapid

Ordered on line ,delivered within 2 days as ordered at the weekend,Everything needed except the tools was included to allow fitting,Excellent quality and ease of fitting all instructions including how to measure different parts .Really matches oak kitchen where fitted on unusual sized under stairs cupboard,(Omitted one section width wise to accommodate size,suggest try size before finally clicking into place).Brilliant space saving door.
5 out of 5 Stars!
Mr Smith


Thank you for a quick delivery....very neat door,very elegant.My only criticism is the the instructions given.. Would be easier to read and follow if in bigger print... Thanks again.
4 out of 5 Stars!

excellent product

Quick delivery easy to fit.Perfect for saving space I now have 6 folding doors in my house I cannot see the point of big heavy internal doors All houses should be fitted with space saving folding doors
5 out of 5 Stars!
john atkinson

Outcome very pleasing

Fitted generation door kit with 7 extra panels. Delivery prompt . A couple of faults in panels were found and these were replaced ASAP. Very professional service provided by Rob Moore who kept in touch immediately when e mails alerted him of faults and a part lost in the post. The doors provide good insulation from a draughty conservatory.
5 out of 5 Stars!
Geoff Davies

Excellent as a privacy screen

We use it in our nursery and it's ideal for children to pull across for privacy. Would highly recommend for other nurseries!!
5 out of 5 Stars!

Good quality & stylish

Easy to fit with clear instructions. Used as a door to a pantry, to avoid a door opening into the kitchen.
5 out of 5 Stars!

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